Autonomy, Responsibility and Future . We promote all of our students’ abilities and skills.

Students are starting to demand ever greater degrees of autonomy and freedom and for this reason, it is fundamental for our school to educate them in RESPONSIBILITY and the development of a CRITICAL CAPACITY with respect to their own actions. Within this framework, work continues in the field of emotional and social education and specific programmes are implemented, aimed at issues of special importance for students of these ages.

At Compulsory Secondary Education stage, the aim is for students to acquire the necessary tools to enable them to develop SOCIAL SKILLS, debates and oral presentations, teamwork, the capacity for RESEARCH and the development of individual KNOWLEDGE.


Proyecto Árula consists of a series of extracurricular subjects which are necessary for students in their overall education. We believe in the development of the students beyond the curricular subjects themselves and also in other subjects that will support them in the future and their motivation to learn and improve. Our “PROYECTO ARULA” in Secondary consists of:

Secondary Education (1st ESO and 2nd ESO)


  • Intercultural English Workshop (Cambridge Preparation by native teachers, with double and reinforcement) ( 2 sessions)
  • Mathematical Workshop (1 session)

Choice of 2 of the following subjects:

  • Academic reinforcement (1 session)
  • Short film (1 session)
  • Alternative sports (1 session)
  • Oral Expression and Debate (1 session)
  • German (1 session)
  • Initiation and Theater Games (1 session)


  • Intercultural English Workshop (Cambridge Preparation by native teachers, with double and reinforcement) ( 2 sessions)
  • Mathematical Workshop (1 session)

Choice of 2 of the following subjects:

  • Radio (1 session)
  • Alternative sports (1 session)
  • Oral Expression and Debate (1 session)
  • German (1 session)
  • Initiation and Theater Games (1 session)

Secondary Education (3rd ESO and 4th ESO)



  • Intercultural English Workshop (Reinforcement and improvement of the language by native teachers) ( 2 sessions)
  • Alternative Sports (Climbing Wall, Bijbol, Golf, Bodibol, Frisbee, Floorball…) (1 session)

Choice of 2 of the following subjects:

  • German (1 session)
  • Music editing (1 session)
  • Oral Expression and Debate (1 session)
  • Artistic Techniques and Procedures Workshop (1 session)
  • Initiation and Theater Games (1 session)


  • Intercultural English Workshop (Language improvement and Cambridge exam preparation by native teachers) (5 sessions)



  • Intercultural English Workshop (Reinforcement and improvement of the language by native teachers) ( 2 sessions)
  • Physical Conditioning, Rescue and Lifeguarding and Alternative Sports (this part is taught in English) (1 session)

Choice of 2 of the following subjects:

  • German Intercultural Workshop (1 session)
  • Music Editing (1 session)
  • Artistic Techniques and Procedures Workshop (1 session)
  • Oral Expression and Debate (1 session)


  • Intercultural English Workshop (Language improvement and Cambridge exam preparation by native teachers) (5 sessions)



The ART OF SPEAKING eloquently, motivating, influencing, persuading or simply entertaining helps students to achieve better results in their subjects, learn to explain concepts with greater fluency and depth and develop their own arguments in a critical and self-confident way.


In an increasingly globalised world, we are aware of the need of mastering languages and the importance of professional and academic preparation in other countries. For this reason, Árula School promotes BILINGUALISM, through:

  • Schools of Ireland Program.
    A 6-week stay at the beginning of the school year in Ireland where they live with a family and study in a local school.
  • School Exchange Programs with:
    • United States (Archbishop McCarthy High School, Miami).
    • Germany (IGS Langenhagen, Hannover).
    • Italy (Istituto Vincenzo Pallotti, Ostia, Rome).
  • We work with a native assistant teacher, who visits our students’ English classes prioritizing conversation.
  • We are a CAMBRIDGE preparation and examination center.
    Our Primary and Secondary students work on the preparation of the official English exams: Starters, Movers, Flyers, KET, PET, FIRST and ADVANCED.
  • We are a preparation and examination center for GOETHE.
    Our high school students work on the preparation for the official GOETHE German exams: A1, A2, B1 and B2.


International project that aims to raise awareness, train and educate about the importance of environmental education for sustainable development.
It encourages students to develop an active and participatory role in our center and shows them how they can improve and benefit the environment in their local community, especially in the basic themes of WATER, ENERGY, WASTE, RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION, INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION and FAIR TRADE.
In this way, it stimulates in future generations the habit of participating in decision-making processes, as well as awareness of the importance of the environment in their daily family and social life.


The Árula Solidarity group is committed to involve our students in a just society and a better world.
It was created to consolidate volunteer initiatives that have always existed in our center, regardless of the people who develop them, betting on collaboration with various NGOs and aid campaigns.


Currently the school has numerous students with diagnosed or suspected high ability.
The aim of this project is to not overlook any student, to meet their needs and to develop their abilities.

To this end, a curriculum enrichment program is made available to all detected students.


A project that should invite us to reflect on the horrors of the Holocaust.
It is a valuable educational experience that will contribute to the personal growth of the students and help them become aware of certain historical events.


This project seeks to bring the educational system and the world of work closer together, facilitating, through educational stays in companies and institutions, that young people are better prepared to make decisions about their academic and professional future, motivating them and providing them with the necessary skills.